More Pictures from Shipping Out the Dash
Here's a picture of the center part, with tic-toc-tac, and the wood grain still attached.

He recommended removing the wood grain from the gauge cluster before shipping.

Here's what things look like from the back side.

I packed it all up using an entire role of bubble wrap, plus some stuff I'd been saving up for this purpose.

I used plastic grocery bags as filler. Then I placed the packing slip and instructions on top.

All packed up and ready to go: "must be Italian."

I have received an update. My tic-toc-tac still works, so it will not receive the quartz update. Since the Superbee is a B-body, I can remove the tic-toc-tac without removing the entire dash (like in an e-body) and have it updated if it ever fails. Things are going slowly. I shipped all of this out mid-January and it is already mid-May. I asked the guy to take his time and if anyone came in before me in a big rush, feel free to put my stuff to the side. I want him to take his time and I want it to look perfect when I get it back. My car won't be on the road for another decade, so what's the rush?